Monday, January 31, 2011

Throwing Deep

Although I don't particularly like a lot of the article on, I do like this one. It is at least a good overview of the necessary components. He harps on stepping to the side to generate as much wrist flick and body torque as you can. The only thing he doesn't really talk about is wind. Wind and throwing are one and the same, and adjusting for the wind in your throws is part of being a good thrower. Before all games I think about the wind and what shape I need to put on both my hucks and in both directions. Also just throw a bit of grass in the air before points to check the direction and consciously remind yourself that there is wind that you need to take into account.

Well this sounds formulaic and time-consuming to always have to make mental adjustments...ultimately you need to understand that wind has to be factored in and throw your throws on feel. The way to get comfortable with this is just a ton of throwing. After throwing through in a lot of different wind conditions/scenarios and getting a lot of reps, these adjustments will become more fluid and second-nature.

So read the article. Also, if you don't know about the huddle, there is a ton of other information on there about everything ultimate. It is a good place to hear a bunch of different viewpoints from successful players on different topics. Don't just accept what they say though as correct, think about it yourself and try to understand and incorporate it into your playing. Empirical data is always best.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"wind and throwing are one and the same"
very zen