Monday, January 5, 2009

Resolution Season

First of all, I would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year. It feels like it’s been a year since I’ve made any posts. Anyway, normally the New Year is full of people making resolutions to workout and get in better shape. As ultimate players, we’re already in fantastic shape. Seriously, I took my blood pressure yesterday and it read 123 over 72 with a heart rate of 50 bpm. And I’ve only done half the practices that most of you folks have done.

However, as ultimate players, we always push ourselves to be better. I’m pretty sure most of you have slacked off a bit with Christmas and New Years parties. That’s okay. Sometimes a week or two off allows the body to heal, but those two weeks of inactivity will catch up to you. For those of you wishing to set some sort of workout schedule, here’s my suggested schedule for working out, especially if you can’t make it back for early week because of Job interviews (I really hate it when life gets in the way of ultimate).

Rip’s Winter Break Workout

Begin each workout with a warm-up: 10-30 slow push-ups, squats, sit-ups and calf raises (best done on a step so you get a better range of motion). Take extra care to do these slow. 10 slow reps with a large range of motion do more good than 30 quick, little reps.

Odd Days: Run 3 miles and 3 hills. Do this in any order, but make sure the 3 hills are in succession with thirty seconds of rest once you get back to the bottom of the hill. For example, you can run 1.5 miles, 3 hills, 1.5 miles. If there isn’t a hill near you, then substitute with 3 50yd sprints. Adjust distance and rest with your preferred level of difficulty. Stretch when you get back. It’s best if you stretch after a warm shower.

Even Days: 5 sets of 25 push-ups, sit-ups, squats and calf raises. Do all four exercises in a row and then rest for 60 seconds. The goal here is to not stop moving until you finish a set. Think of it as a cross fit without the running part. Make sure you stretch after this workout as well.

As you probably guessed, alternate these workouts every other day. If you wish, take one day a week off. Also, if you get the chance to lift, don’t skip the above workouts. I recommend four lifts that will give you a total body workout in a short time: Bench Press, Squats, Military Press and Hang Cleans. Use dumbbells on the presses as it works more muscles in each arm than using a bar. I recommend 3 sets of 8-12 reps increasing the weight with each set.

If you have any suggestions, please post a comment. I’m not a physical therapist, personal trainer or doctor, so I’m open to suggestions.


Jack said...

I like power cleaning...combines semi-deadlift with hang clean, and helps with explosiveness

alien said...

In response to Jack's comment -