Tuesday, November 18, 2008

How to Make the A-Team

We aren’t looking for all-star players. Sure, if you’re a baller that’s nice and all, but that doesn’t guarantee you a spot. In fact, those skills might get you cut. When evaluating candidates for the A-Team there’s usually two things the captains are looking for. 1) Can you play defense? 2) Do you make good decisions? After that, the captains will think about the value and role you bring to the team.

Defense is essential no matter what position you want to play. Primary cutter or third handler, the pressure is all on you if your man is the iso on the goal line. The keys to good defense are smart positioning and hard running. You’ve got to be going on all cylinders the entire time you’re on defense. At the same time, you’ve got to be able to break down and take care of your responsibilities. Know the force and don’t get broken.

Good decision making is just a nice way of saying, “know your role”. For example, I’m a defensive long. That’s my role. That’s where I add value to the team. No matter how hard I wish for it, I will never be an o-line handler with sick breaks and 70 yard hucks. I detract from the value of the team once I try to do those things. Good decision making for me is laying out for the D, dumping it to my nearest handler and getting my butt down the field for the next continue cut.

Everyone has their own range of acceptable decisions. Knowing this range could be the difference between making the squad or waiting til next year.

I also want to take the time to give credit to the B-team. Boomland is a good team. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t make the A-team. Very few rookies make the A-team as a freshman, especially when there is a strong class of returners. Being on the A team doesn’t give you any special status. A-teamers don’t treat our B-teamers as second rate (except for Cozza, but that’s for different reasons). You guys work just as hard as the A-team. Ultimate is all about having fun. You will have fun no matter which team you play on in the spring.

1 comment:

Mickey said...

Don't sell yourself short, Rip.

You're a "defensive long with a serious passion for Illini Ultimate."