Friday, June 20, 2008

Summer Lovin on Spiking the Disc

It looks like my last post got a few more responses than the first, and, I must say, each one of your comments makes the boomland blog look like a joke. Seriously, Instead of updating his blog, he makes ignorant comments on mine. He and his team of writers have no sense of good writing skills. Hey McLain, you’d better shape up if you ever plan on getting in to law school.

Back in the day, when ultimate was known as “Friendly Disc Game for Lazy Stoners”, spiking the disc didn’t happen. The hippies who played this game thought such an act only led to violence. Hippies hate violence. As the game matured into a real sport, the hippies invited others to play. These new competitors smelled the fresh blood of pacifism and began to wreak devastation on the hippie peace-n-love fest. This ensuing carnage gave birth to the tradition of spiking the disc.

You see, these new competitors were a superior breed to the hippies that had given them the game. Catching the disc in the endzone became so common for these athletes that such a score seemed trivial. These players felt the game wasn’t worth the effort, so they decided to change the rules. In order to score a point, you now had to catch the disc in the endzone, and kill a hippie at the same time. When a young athlete would first accomplish this task, he would spike the disc on the dead hippie’s bloody corpse to signify his coming of age.

As you could imagine, the hippies were none to pleased with this new take on their game. They were dying out quickly and knew they had to stop it before it was too late. They started disguising themselves as athletes. They began to practice, run, and lift weights. They became the first hybrids, players with spirit and skill. Pretty soon, all the athletes thought the hippies were dead (athletes are pretty stupid).

The disguised hippies were pretty smart and began deceiving the athletes in order to bring back the original style of play. They formed the UPA and wrote a rule book. In this sacred book, they instilled the idea of SotG. Any Spike was punishable by death. Pretty soon, all the athletes were dying, since they still spiked the disc to assert their alpha male status. Soon a war broke out between the hippies and athletes. It lasted 2,000 years.

Like I said before, Hippies hate violence and Athletes are really dumb. Eventually, the Athletes forgot what the war was about, and the Hippies just stopped fighting. They signed a treaty known as the First Edition. Now, whenever the UPA publishes a new edition, a hippie and athlete must ratify it.

Choosing to spike the disc depends on the situation and the personalities of the people involved. There is no right or wrong. If you’re taken by the moment, then spike the disc. If Mr. Positivity himself can make the spike look classy (TiV07), then spiking the disc must be acceptable. How and when is up to you.

If you could add one new rule, what would it be?


Zub said...

That sounds horrifying. I am glad I live in more peaceful da...y...s...or whatever.

If I had to add a rule, I would make a two point line. If I had to make another rule: everyone has to brush there teeth before they play.

Kyle said...

"Seriously, Instead of updating his blog, he makes ignorant comments on mine. He and his team of writers have no sense of good writing skills."

...Followed by a story about murdering hippies.

Mr. Rip, your Pulitzer is ready.

ckrichter said...


Rip said...

Let's take a look at the last boomland post shall we? Death matches and men who would make good looking women.

No, your sarcastic Pulitzer comment was not tasteless at all.

ckrichter said...

i went to whole foods today with my mom and actually contemplated killin one particular hippie couple.

heavily facially pierced girl, "do you want walk past the meat section?"

equally heavily facially pierced guy, "no, meat makes me sad."

i can't believe people like that actually exist...