Sunday, June 15, 2008

Part 2 of the Summer Lovin Series

So it seems that only the illustrious boomland blogger has decided to answer my question. I disagree with every bit of disrespect I am able to muster. Tough opponents don’t let themselves get kicked in the face.

What defines a tough opponent? Is it the team that beats you every time? I tend to think “no.” I believe that a tough opponent is one that matches up well against your style of play. You may get the upper hand on one point, but you know that they’re right there with you. But you also know that if they take the lead, a comeback is not out of the question.

When you start a game against such an opponent, you know that it will last thirty points, and you will fight for every point. Such an opponent makes you want to play every point. Such an opponent makes you want to prove that you have what it takes. If this opponent beats you (I emphasize if), he will beat you with hustle not calls. He will match your sportsmanship and elevate your competition.

A lot of opponents come to mind: Florida, Colorado, Michigan… My answer may surprise a few. It may even anger one person in particular. I thought N.C. State was our toughest opponent this year.

Next question: (When) is it appropriate to spike the disc?


Zub said...


alien said...

Only when spiking on someone


Unknown said...

i generally prefer the more understated scoober-into-goalline approach, but i can think of a few situations where the spike is needed:

1) first break
2) third break in a row
3) double lay out near the end of a relatively close game
4) any point near the end of a very close game
5) a goal over or through someone you been jawing at
6) obv, the game winner

wv: lxbendkv

Miles said...

you catch the disc in the endzone, a call is made on whether or not you were in, everyone talks about it for 5 minutes, a consensus is made that it's a goal...

then you spike it.


Keenan said...

Whenever there's a puddle in the endzone, provided the disc is then spiked into said puddle to create epic splash effect.

jmizzle said...
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jmizzle said...

Spiking is useful only for hurting people's feelings. Endzone dances are more appropriate and always tasteful.

ckrichter said...

anytime you catch the disc

Zub said...

I agree with me. Also, the next question should be for the mystery blogger to reveal his identity.

word verification: beergpiv

Unknown said...

never. we play with dignity. play your game at your best to demand respect, don't rely on a spike or a dance for someone to look at you with awe. make a ridiculous play to catch it in the endzone, then walk away like it was no big deal. amazing.

SkiUnit said...

when pappy scores. or you score on pappy. or you score with someone in pappy's family.

all appropriate and required.

and seriously, i got the word verification wrong 3 times. i'm either illiterate, or illiterate.