Monday, February 11, 2008

What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas

And now, for something completely different.

The illini defense had generated one of their many turns against Colorado and decided to call time out. We decided to run beta two in hopes of setting up the score since we were about 2/3 down the field. Yours truly had been guarding Jolian all game, so it was only natural for him to line up against me. He set up pretty close. We’d been playing pretty physical all game (I got barreled over earlier, but I’d been fouling pretty hard on the mark so neither of us called a foul out of mutual respect), so I expected some chemistry to develop between us. Boy, was I in for a treat. His face ended up right next to mine. Feeling the tension, I broke it with a comment, “Well, this is cute.” He returned the favor by kissing me on the cheek.


Unknown said...

haha. good stuff.

i bet if you put you along with 6 black guys in a lineup, jolian wouldnt be able to pick out the guy who guarded him in your game.

out of "mutual respect,"

Pat said...

There really is nothing like Brian putting someone else down in order to make himself feel good. Classic.

Good story Rip.

Unknown said...

hey brian, who was the last person you "guarded"???