Monday, February 11, 2008

Vegas Recap (the other games)

The team came to Vegas for two reasons: to win games, and to win money. This post concerns the latter. Since our flight got in before 6pm, we had some time to fool around in the tournament hotel before registration. Yours truly was busy shuttling teammates back and forth, but other team members got a taste of gambling before the night was over. Joel ended up winning big on day one going up $475. Looks like betting on black is a good idea after all. Bettsy also had some good fun, going up around $100. I think Pat took in a humble amount of around $60. If anybody lost that night, they weren’t talking about it.

Clown cars are fun. We packed the van and headed to the strip on Friday night. Yours truly made two trips so it wasn’t as painful as it could have been. We started out at the Bellagio. Cole and Bonges lost $100 and 80$ respectively. Cole never hit black in the 10 rounds or so that he played, a quick end to the night for him. That $80 was the first that Bonges ever gambled, and I’m afraid that it may be his last. The poor kid now harbors a sincere distaste for Vegas. Joel, Pat, and Betts did pretty well. Yours truly didn’t gamble at the Bellagio, but Planet Hollywood opened its doors and its purse. Betting on red, columns, and the mids can bring a man a whole lot of green. Yours truly went up $500. Joel, Pat, and Betts decided to hop on the Ripsky train. Joel brought his total up to $600, Pat: $150, and Bettsy: $270. Lefty was the only loser, which only gave him another reason to hate the world.

Day three did not smile kindly for the Illini boys. We hit up the Palazzo for some action, but the Palazzo hit us back a little harder. Joel went back to even. Pat ended up below $100. Bettsy got knocked back a $100. And yours truly got taken for a c-note as well. However, I rate the weekend as a success. The team, as a whole, ended up in the black. Much of the credit due to the $400 fattening my wallet. Looks like betting on red is the superior strategy.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yours truly thinks you used that phrase a few too many times in one post. But I still love you truly madly deeply.

Yours Truly,