Tuesday, November 27, 2007


My friends,

It has come to my attention that our other anonymous blogger has grown weary of the responsibility that a blog entails, or he has forgotten the user name and password for his account. We may never know. So, in the spirit of free competition, I have designed this site to serve as your source to all things Illinois Ultimate. And I do mean all, so you will see posts detailing the women’s and coed team.

My hope is that others will contribute since it is impossible for me to be around everything all the time. A majority of the writing will be handled by myself, but at the very least there will be a post by one of the captains every week.

You will also notice that unlike our other blogger, I have not hidden my identity in shame. So send all posts to pripsky@gmail.com.

So without further ado, some posts that are long overdue.

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