Being pumped up for games is important to becoming a dominant ultimate player. As a team, we are psyched for big games easily. When we are jacked up, we play at a much higher level, so we need to be pumped for all games and create our own level.
Generally, I like quiet time where I can focus on the upcoming task before the game. I try to get a bunch of good forehand throws and backhand throws warm. Then I try to focus on my catching, especially when we do cut-tos. I run hard through the disc to practice catching.
After completing the basic throws and catches, I try to focus on what I need to do to win the game. I try to remind myself to get more D's than I throw turnovers. And, right beforehand I like to get a quick short sprint to warm up.
This can get me pumped to a certain level, but what really makes the difference for me is how I play the first few points. If I start on defense, I try to sprint my absolute hardest on the pull to set the attitude that this is going to be a fight. I also try to get close to my guy and make a layout bid early in the game to warn them I am right there and will be all game.
If play on offense, I try to get to a high level by running hard on the first few points, so the other team does not think they can stay with me. It is great when another team keeps switching defenders on you because you outrun everyone they try.
I know everyone has a different philosophy about getting pumped up. But, everyone should try getting as excited as they can for every game. We cannot afford to look past people and teams. Motivation is a big part in playing your best, so find the motivation you need. Whether it is betting some on the team that, you can get more d's or betting you will not turn over the disc. Or if it is I am going to play perfect, so I get more playing time in the future. Set goals right before each game and try to achieve them.