Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Gearin' Up

I don’t how many of you plan your lives, but I’ve recently started doing just that. Let’s see…graduate in May, get married in November, buy a house, have kids…Oh yeah! Vegas in two weeks!

It’s been a long time since I’ve stepped onto an ultimate field, and I’m definitely looking forward to crushing Stanford like we did at Centex (Hey Dave, peaches aren’t in season. We will own you. Oh, and my parents say hi). But I’ll be saving my preview for next week.

Boys, it’s time to get excited again. Winter is almost over, and a long hibernation should make you hungry for one thing: competition. We aren’t 100% yet, and it’s evident in our practices. Yes, we’re a solid team, but there’s no fire. No excitement. What are you playing for? Are you a tired old vet just looking to finish what he started? I hope not.

We each need to find that motivation, that spark, that fire. Joel supplied it for the past three years with his command on the field. Pat brought it with his refusal to give up no matter how many points we were down. Pappy brought it with his screaming. They had help too. The rest of the team bought into it. When they sparked, the whole team caught fire, and we left our opponents roasting in that inferno. And it was FUN. Having the energy is fun. Executing our game plan is fun. And rolling over chumps is fun.

We’ve got less than two weeks to bring it back. Let’s make Vegas fun.

Ps bet on black and the number 6.


Joel said...

rules for Vegas

1. Quit gambling when you are ahead and not until then.

2. Follow Miles around. (guaranteed good time.)

3. Bring Chapstick- the wind always detroyed my lips at this tourney

4. get the extra shot in your margarita at the airport (it costs .89 cents). I dont care how bad it tastes.

5. Eat Jack and in an out burger for every meal

Joel said...

by Jack, I meant Jack in the Box. Or J in the B as the regulars say.

6. 5 star Abram I know his shirt will be off more than on

Pat said...

Joel, isn't #1 the opposite of your life rules?

7. Get popsicles during your bye. Don't hate, just do it.

8. Roulette is gold at Planet Hollywood.

9. Don't let Miles play with matches.

10. You have a thousand byes right? Hone those heckling skills.

11. No less than 12 people in a van at one time.

12. J in the B!

Zub said...

13. always bet on red

14. Tbell tacos ie. not Jay Inda Bee fried shit

Unknown said...

4*. agree on the extra shot, but don't get the flavored margaritas.

15. gotta catch em all (stripper cards)

16. climb the luxor

Joel said...

1. definitely against my life philosophy.

Also, agree on the popsicles.