When in season I longed almost daily for the chance to pig out on nasty food, to take naps instead of going to a workout (a couple of times I actually tried but Rabuck dragged me to the track after my nap). College ultimate boils down to a four year season and I wanted so bad to have an off season.
I've been in off season mode for only three days, and the transition out of season feels terrible. I've been horking down the sugary foods, and hours later the sugar rush floors me. As a child sugar rush manifest themselves in the ability to bounce off walls, as an adult my skin gets hot, I feel dizzy, my skin has a thin layer of sweat and my stomache feels miserable.
I miss working out already, I wake up feeling tight and throughout the day certain movement patterns become laborious. Since I am not working out I don't get myself stretching, and since I am not working muscles like they are used to. I'm not going to do any research to see if this is a common thing because I don't care, the point is my whole body misses doing a certain amount of work a week and not getting it makes my shit feel weak.
Morale of the story, my offseason is over. Don't long for it because being in season feels way better and way more human than being out of season.